Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I'm Here

So what's the big urgency? just because instead of writing yesterday I went down to beach late at night and howled Disney tunes to the star-lit sky, which later turned into old standards (I believe 'Cry Me A River' was in there at some point)

And today I went and found the public library, which was mind blowing after what I am used to in Peetown with endless amounts of Danielle Steele and Clive Kussler. Not that there's anything wrong with those... It's just the sight of so many poetry books in a row brought on this Great Calm. Like that time that I was really stressed out and went to wander through the stacks at the uni library. Instant cure I tell you.

What else did you want to know? It's okay if you have a gig, I may have to show up with roses and or chocolate like a proper Valentine. And it might me nice to see those old friends. Also I have not seen Zoola lately and I can't really decide if I even want to- I think I do.

And tonight I am running TWO MILES. which isn't actually that far. But still. I mean two miles sounds pretty impressive. Gotta milk this for what its worth.

And it turns out the secret reason why I don't like tofu is because it makes me feel sick. Especially when accompanied by sexual innuendoes, as it was. Not to mention tartar sauce. There's a reason why its named after hell


Guess what? Today, i've finally put off my procratination and started making croissants, i specifically bought two pounds of butter the other weekend, while at the super store in nanaimo (because they were 3.58 $ a pound, which is amazing, because here in parksville they are 5 dollars average) and they've been sitting there, waiting for my lawful, baking fingers.

It starts out with this pre-fermenting goop of flour, milk and yeast, which i had out sitting on the counter for a couple hours, and just recentlyi put it in the fridge, so i can deal with it later on tonight (after work).

I also have been eating bowls of borsht all day and have descided that while i'm living with my katima family down yonder,wherever, ill suggest that we make it once and a while, because of it's awesome goodness, vegetables and apparently we live off each of us for food, 5.50 a day, meaning this could be a awesome choice.

How's your day going? Talked to Zoola at all? I havent at all. Talked to tyson, apparently he had to go to the dentist today (how exciting).