Wednesday, March 30, 2011

hoping, keep on moping

This is my choice of husband of the week. I've been listening to his music none stop for the week's been. His name is E-dubble and he's been making alright music (links below). Coincidental, he kind of looks like C-man. Minus the lush facial hair and the bright white skin, this guy could really be that guy. Home has been what it's been. Told mother dearest about the garden plans and plans for the summer and things I want to get accomplished. She also had many ideas to share about what to send the Israeli pen-pal of mine (Easter sweets are in the melting pot of thoughts, readers, if you have any other ideas that could fit in the mind set of "Canadian sweets, stationary, office supplies" please share :). They also know full fully about the hike plans and they seem all into it. Sweet. Mortimer, if we bunked. same room. I wouldn't even consider having c-man as a sleepover partner, his house only or off to the highway he would go. Hope the night is going smooth, and this is the sad truth, it's only when I'm far away from you (well, two of you now) it seems that this blog has a sense and meaning. KEEP SAFE.!/item/19xsk/e+dubble+-+Be+A+King

Ok But Wait

Was just thinking that the picture below is a lot like this one... this is my mother's family. Odd to think that 3 of these have passed away, one of them is not speaking to the rest. I have not even met half of their offspring. Anyway

I walked into the room dripping in gold

So apparently I am on buddybuddy terms with my prof (who happens to have written countless books on Anarchist art, and foams at the mouth at the idea of squatters conventions) Hopefully he remembers this when he is marking my papers next term. It's funny, I call him my professor but he has never actually taught me anything in a classroom setting. He wore a three piece velvety suit- pant legs too short, as usual- to present a slideshow from the New York trip. He waved excitedly when we ran into each other downtown.

Anyway, I came home from school today and all the lights were off and it was dead silent. Sabo and I agree that things are WEIRD in this house. I had this daytime fantasy that you didn't actually exist, Shark, and that the person I can relate to the most in this world was this awesome extension of my own imagination. If you ever feel like moving back in to try again, I will personally sell my bed and buy bunks. I will go stay somewhere else when C-Man comes over.

You know when you read 1/2 a book and then suddenly realize that it is a complete waste of time and the writing is terrible anyway? Don't read A Concise Chinese English Dictionnary for Lovers if you do not like this feeling. I had the sudden epiphany that all the characters were douchy.

Anyway, gotta go school myself on some Emily Carr if I don't want to crash and burn on Friday.

Laura- keep posting hot chicks, its got our numbers up.